Friday, 3 October 2014

LIbSTeR AwaRd^^


Nie first time  saya join Libstar 
peluang bagus bagi N' nak meningkatkan follower
Big thanks for LIBSTER AWARD  & tagged me Anisah jamian .

cammane nak join???
sonang jer,follow all the rule in this box.
The Liebster Award is nominated to blogger whose followers are lower than 500. Well, look like I fit in this category very well. Then blogger who being nominated this award has to follow the rules given. Those are:

  1. Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
  2. answer the 11 questions asked.
  3. nominate 11 other bloggers with smaller followers but with lots of potential.
  4. create 11 of your own questions for them to answer.
  5. notify your nominee.

            This is my answer for question that have been ask by anisah.

            1. Tell people about yourself.
            2. Why do you write on blog?
            3. Is blog a good way to express one self?
            4. Let say if somebody hurt you like hell and the person meant to do it, will you forgive them?
            5. Describe your attitude.
            6. Tell people about your dream.
            7. What is your favourite holiday spot and why do you like them?
            8. Which do you prefer, sambung belajar or working?
            9. What movie do you like the most and why.
            10. If you are given a chance to make one wish to make it come true, what would you want?

            1)Full name ,Siti Nur Haliza..Lol.The real is Siti Nur Anisah Bt Abdul Rahim.I'm 23yrs old,capricon gurl.Orang seremban.I'm the eldest from 6 and one baby boy.*baby la sangat,tapi tu lah penyeri keluarga kami..I'm a gov nurse .

            2)Start to active bloging after i had finished my Dip in private.I love to read.I love Kawaii .I love to decorate.I love to Cook. The main reason i start it because i love to Blogwalking,so i can make it new friendship with them.

             3)It's depend by someone.I'm not  like that,easy to express myself.*always pikir banyak kali sebelum post about myself expressing.

            4)The truth is aku memang jenis yang susah nak forgive people,but i need time to forget it.Walaupun orang tengok aku nie soft person,tak bermakna aku mudah maafkan orang but after a years i see all the creep thing  that had happen.Benda tu semua aku dah lali.I have learn to be forgive & be forgiven.Live your life^^

            5)I'm introvert  gurl tetapi mudah bergaul dengan kenalan rapat dan mereka cakap saya funny.
            dan jangan cakap saya seorang yang pendiam,kerana sejujurnya saya susah nak stop bercakap kalau hormon adrenalin saya
            dijentik .Selalu fikir jauh sebelum buat  sesuatu.I will be kind with u ,if u be kind with me.So,don't mess with me!

            6)Impian pertama  sudah N bingkaikan menjadi header blog .Sejujurnya bukan rumah itu yang N angankan.*prob jer tau.kedua,mengumpul harta atau aset.Ketiga,berangan nak mencecah puluhan ribu follower macam kak paten*yang nie macam susah, nak jadi nurse yang serba boleh.ambil sebanyak mana post basic.pokoknyer,semuanya N nak terjah.

            7)Sejujurnya ,N belom pergi bercuti lagi .So it will be next year,insyaallah.
            (*kumpul duit banyak2 & travel around malaysia and world)

            8).In my working field,i prefer to choose working least 2 year.

            9)I love malaysia comedy.*
            I'm super love  with korea drama love**
             super duper love with horror movie from other country~ their prob & the scene of movie is good
            I hate ghost story~waste time to watch it

            10)I wish i'm  interior designer:)

            soalan cik'N :

            1)Zodiak dan umur anda?
            2)Genre music bagaimana yang anda suka dan siapa the lettest menjadi kegilaan anda?
            3)Adakah anda peminat novel?jika ye,apa pendapat anda tentang karya melur jelita?
            4)Adakah anda sukakan barangan brandy  dan nyatakan sebabnya?
            5))Adakah anda seorang yang boros?
            6)Pendapat anda tentang makanan segera yang menjadi isu?
            7)Pendapat anda tentang perokok?
            8)Ciri2  blog yang macam mana anda suka baca?*menarik bagi anda
            9)Apakah perkara yang pernah memalukan,yang pernah anda lakukan?
            10)Apakah detik paling bahagia yang terjadi dalam hidup anda?
            11)Pendapat anda tentang blog ?

            The thought thing i need to do,find 11 url blog..
            (friendlist saya semuanya follower beribu-ribu,kita cikit jer)
            ini kawan-kawan baru saya..


            Unknown said...

            Terima kasih tag akak Nesa...
            Nanti akak cuba jawab ya..:)

            a said...

            wcm sofu:)

            FuZaiNi@$imPle@LiFe said...

            terima kasih nesa...saya akan cuba menjalankan tanggungjawab dan peluang yang awak bagi nie (eceh ayat nak power kan).. hehe...tapi sekarang masih bercuti daripada berblog... Terima Kasih!!!

            FuZaiNi@$imPle@LiFe said...

            Saya sudah selesaikan tanggungjawab...jemputlah melawat yer....

            Maehaa E. said...

            Terima kasih tag...
            Nanti saya try sahut tag ni XD

            you make my day ~

            a said...


            a said...

            Ok Mieyha ,n tunggu tau ..

            Tabung Nufnang #